For the Best Journal Article Published by a Novice Scholar
This annual award (previously Fawzia Braine Memorial Award), amounting to HK$2,500, is made in recognition of a novice scholar (postgraduate student or a recent graduate) of a university in Hong Kong for a paper published in an international refereed journal in applied linguistics.
Applicants should be enrolled, full- or part-time, at a university in Hong Kong or have graduated from a Hong Kong university within one year of the closing date for applications.
Applicants should be current members of HAAL.
The article should have been published in an international refereed journal in applied linguistics in the year for which the award is made.
The article should be in English.
Single author articles are preferred for the award. In articles with multiple authors, the applicant should be the first author.
Applications are accepted till April 12 of 2024.
The decision of the HAAL Executive Committee on this award is final.
Application Procedure
Completed application forms together with softcopy of the published (or published online prior to its printed version) article/s submitted for the award should be sent to Prof. Barry Bai at
Amount of Grant
HK$2,500 per year. The grant will not be split.